Energetic, Responsible, Personable, Well-Traveled Professional with extensive homeowner experience

Username JanetZed  

65 + years
Oct 5,2024 My Calendar
photographer-artist-marketing consultant
Single female
6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

I am interested in taking careful and responsible care of your home and/or pet, with the digilence and attention, at the high level at which I care for my own home. I have traveled the world for a few decades, primarily for my career and also for personal travel and I have lived and worked abroad. I am a "neat freak" that means I like to live in a spotless, clean, healthy environment. I have never house or pet sat; however, I have cared for my own homes and for my own pets and for those of my friends, on occasion. I like dogs, cats and birds, and I have had one cat and four dogs to date. I once took care of a friend's parrot while her owner was away for several months.

My career was an artist/photographer/marketing technology consultant, as well as a few nights a week teaching computer technology to college students to provide a unique, role model for STEM subjects. I have earned advanced degrees from prominent universities. I lived and worked in Europe as a Lecturer for the University of Maryland, European Division. I work minimal hours now remotely, as a business consultant, and I continue my painting and other visual art. I want to have fun yet stay active and have some responsibilities.

I am full of creative and physical energy, enjoying painting, photographing, walking, bicycling, tennis, swimming, and more. I love music, dance, any type of performance arts, especially theater, museums, gallery hopping, fine art, and gourmet cooking. Most of all I enjoy meeting people, getting to know a community and its residents all over the world, and making new friends. 

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